[Russian ends]
RU2: We discussed that we have to act very quickly.
IT2: You know I am available at your disposal. If you send me a WhatsApp tomorrow, come here to Moscow, I have a multi-entry visa I can come and come here.
RU2: For your visa you can go via embassy, you can do it one day.
IT2: I don’t want my to pass by your embassy. You know your embassy in Italy is my client. I have a multi-entry. I just take…
IT2: Francesco is saying that quickness is of utmost importance because elections are just around the corner, so he says if we are OK to start very quickly and maybe then in six months’ time, there is some problem, it’s OK some problem any delay, but it’s better to concentrate the efforts once and for all and starting as soon as possible.
IT3: Is the problem (switches to Italian)… Now then afterwards two to three months it’s OK.
[In Russian]
RU1: I have an opportunity to come to Italy in November. Does it make any sense?
RU3: Who has an opportunity? You have? So what?
RU2: So what?
[Russian Ends]
Some of the men are smoking a cigarette]
RU3: I understand English, but don’t speak.
IT2: Understand is enough. You come to Italy some time? With wife, children?
RU3: March. Next year.
IT3: I don’t speak English.
RU3: (in Italian) I don’t speak Italian.
IT2: We are now concentrating on the quickness. Given they will tell us whether it is 250 or 500 thousand. Given they will tell us if there is some other product, they will tell us if there is an extra discount to be returned. Everything is OK. I told and Andrey agreed quickness is of utmost importance. If we are quick now maybe first delivery in November; if we are not quick, then maybe it’s December, and then December we know in Italy it’s Christmas and everybody is very lazy.
SAVOINI: In Russia too. In Russia Christmas in January. Holiday Italian then Russian, we have one month of holidays. 15 December, 15 January, Italy and Russia together is holidays.
IT2: I told them that I am available upon call. I mean if they need me to take a flight to come to Moscow tomorrow, no problem. I will be concentrating on this, I am there. They can make whatever. If they need me, I am there also with the manager who can execute. I pick up the phone London, I take a plane and I am here. And the rest is up to you. You try to find the best solution.
I am sure that these elections will be good elections. The European one in May.
SAVOINI: Yes of course, of course. We are changing really the situation in Europe. And It’s impossible to stop. The history is marching, so it’s impossible. It’s really a new deal, a new situation, a new future for us. We are in the center of this process. But we have a lot of enemies, we are in a dangerous situation because our government is attacked from Brussels, from the globalist men, not Trump, but the establishment of Obama is very, very strong and inside in Italy too. We are in dangerous… it is not so simple, but we want to fight because we are in truth.
IT2: if you have any gulag, we can send you some from Italy. The gulag. Gulag. It’s a joke, but if you have a gulag, we send you a lot of people.
IT?: For reeducation.
IT?: Rehab.
RU?: Rehabilitation.
IT?: Mental rehabilitation.
[In Italian]
IT2: I am very hopeful.
Savoini: The feelings are good.
IT2: I don’t understand this return, who it goes to.
SAVOINI: To them. They take even 400 or whatever the fuck they need to take. It doesn’t matter. It’s a guarantee. It means they will always do that and for us, it’s OK.
IT2: Of course. With the first delivery, Gianluca, we take the bank. I want to be in the control room.
SAVOINI: He already told me where you will be.
IT2: With the first delivery you take it all. From the second you’re free. The current president, who has made his margins, we put him on a contract, £20,000 a month, great; after that ‘I”ll tell you,’ we tell him what to do. The bank will then be needed it for N other operations.
SAVOINI: There is total control.
IT2: They have a banking problem, they could need a bank with a double passport after Brexit. At that point you position yourself on a financial lane that is a lot more lucrative than material trade. Because material trade has always risk, you go to the bakers and the bread is finished. On the financial branch vice versa, you charge zero comma on transactions and you wait at home for the transfer to arrive. After that Francesco will see how to organize the return. There need to be prudent.
SAVOINI: Obviously. There I won’t know anything, nothing. Need to be more than prudent. We will have all the [inaudible] and their satellites on us. But I trust all of our abilities in our respective fields. We have created this triumvirate, me, you, and him, it needs to work that way. Just us three. A watertight compartment. Yesterday too Aleksander said the important thing is that it’s just you [three]. You, me, represent the total connection for both the Italian and their ‘political side,’ and you – with me – are my partners. Just us. You, Francesco, and me. Nobody else.
IT2: If we meet, we don’t talk about this stuff.
SAVOINI: It’s not that we won’t meet. You know Francesco better than me. It’s not that we won’t meet again. We will meet the right amount. We get along well.
IT2: You need to remove that fucking bib. Come with us and you will find friends, I’m sure.
[In Russian]
RU3: We will say it’s a law firm.
RU2: Yes, we’ll change everything. Andrey!
RU1: Are we done here? Should we pay and leave?
RU2: Speaking about [INAUDIBLE].
IT3: (in Italian) I want to say how important it is to us to do this by December even if it is then delayed two, three months, June, July we don’t care.
[Italian and Russian end]
RU2: Concerning the future contract, I think we have all the information. We will be waiting for discussion with Mr. Evgeny [sp.?] after this. I understand the urgency. So more easy, the better. I think [INAUDIBLE].
IT2 [taking notes]: OK. Just so to have it clear, I will await for you to confirm the product, quantities and whatever you are able to. You confirm product, quantities, and price. Because you know. And I can make a nota bene it’s OK 4%, maybe higher, “to be returned.”
RU2: The best play the contract with some law firm. It’s the best.
IT2: I think so. For me, it’s very easy.
RU2: For us it seems to be very easy. Better for you. Otherwise restrictions.
IT2: I don’t need to make any due diligence if I deal as a lawyer with another lawyer, I give it for granted that the bar association to which my colleague belongs has already guaranteeing on his… So I don’t need to make any due diligence. OK open, open credit.
RU2: Irrevocable.
IT2: Open credit. And then it’s bank instructed.
RU2: Intesa.
IT2: I-n-t-e-s-a irrevocably to pay out once received funds. Intesa BCI Russia. And I think they have their own man inside, so it should be easy.
[In Russian]
RU1: What is Intesa?
RU2: It’s an Italian bank.
RU1: Is it represented in Russia?
RU2: Yes! Gianluca has his own people there. He said it will be easier.
[Russian ends]
IT2: Lega they have already in the steering committee a man in there is called Mascetti and so we can talk to him. But if it’s another bank, if it’s another bank, European bank maybe, Switzerland or Austrian, then don’t worry, we do have the contacts in both in Switzerland and in Austria. OK Intesa BCI, and this is a nota bene you confirm products and business.
RU2: Delivery we discussed if Russian ports or [INAUDIBLE].
IT2: OK delivery terms either FOB Rotterdam or FOB, I would say Black Sea ports. Black Sea ports. What else? I would also say NB quickness is of utmost importance. First delivery in…
[In Russian]
RU1: He is Italian, not Italian, but the European Trump, because he has now become the head of all the ultra right [in Europe].
RU2: Right?
RU1: Of the ultra right – Le Pen, AFD. The third biggest in Finland.
RU2: In Sweden.
RU1: He is the head of all the right.
[Russian ends]
IT2: I will just make a screenshot here and send it to you just to be on the same page. OK, gentlemen, I think it’s going in the right direction and…
RU1: And it’s my luck to make them act quickly and immediately.
IT2: You will. Maybe we can also meet in Rome if you feel like or in London, maybe at the bank or maybe we can meet at Eni also. This is just details. Let’s work at the fundamentals, then once fundamentals are OK, the rest are details to be agreed upon.
Anything else?
[Inaudible Italian in background]
SAVOINI: Not possible. Dollars you cannot in Russia.
[Italian ends]
IT2: You cannot work with US dollars in Russia?
RU2: We can work in any currency.
IT2: He says if bank is Russian, you cannot deal in dollars.
Savoini: [INAUDIBLE] …in Ucraina…
RU2: We cannot deal in dollars between Russian companies.
IT2: In any case, we can also use euros. We can convert. But should see if applicable platz index is also given in euros, it might be not only in dollars. But these are technicalities once more. The last will then we said delivery terms Rotterdam or Black… [Goes back to Italian]
SAVOINI [in Italian] He [Savoini] can be heard suggesting smaller initial shipment if easier. Repeats concern about USD. “Swift code doesn’t transfer.”
[In Italian]
IT?: We need to after this meeting talk to the guy who begins with “Ma” and ends with “etti” so that they meet after the fundamentals are closed. Why am I interested? Because Eni already has accounts with Intesa, and they do too probably.
[Italian ends]
IT2: He is saying to put some attention on the financial transaction not to incur any problems. Can I say yes, we will work on it?
RU2: If we make it in one bank, for example Intesa, it will not be a problem.
IT2: I agree we have to involve the bank. Second step calling the bank, this is the need and do not charge that much. You know It’s easy. Then it’s once again political.
[Discussion, laughter, light discussion on who pays.]
IT?: We do it, Andrey! [INAUDIBLE].
RU?: This is not Rome.
SAVOINI: Moscow is the third Rome.
IT2: Beautiful weather. I just want to have a little walk. If you want.
RU?: I don’t like these packets. I don’t like these pictures [referring to the warning label on the cigarette pack]. In Italy it’s even worse.
RU1: I can’t buy cigarettes in Rome. Dunhill. When I saw it, I was what a terrible picture. This country is very more favorable to smokers, no pictures at all.
IT2: You know the joke. In Italy we have different pictures and there is one with a pregnant woman saying don’t smoke or you run the risk of not getting pregnant, and we male always ask for that one, the one that, that we are not going to be pregnant, please. Can I have the one no pregnancy please?
It’s stupid to smoke, to be honest. We should stop. On the other hand, is very difficult. Now Philip Morris make this electronic cigarette. I want to try.
RU1: Yuri has experience. He gave up smoking in one day. After 13 years of smoking. But now he start again.
IT2: Let’s close the deal and we stop together.
RU1: Yes.
IT2: We stop smoking and we start going with the girls.
RU1: His wife will be glad.
[Chairs moving; men can be heard talking about holidays in Sicily and Sardinia, hotel names, flight times]
IT?: Let’s go.
[Men can be heard walking away from table]
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